
The Department of International Relations offers B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees. Its academic program covers the three major subfields in the discipline:  international politics, diplomatic history, and public international law. The department offers a comprehensive and dynamic programme to enable students to understand developments, changes and transformations in the international arena and their institutional, historical and current dimensions.

The department offers both compulsory and free elective courses on subjects such as international relations theory, international politics, international political economy, world history and international law, which are regarded as fundamental areas of the international relations discipline, as well as on international security, international organisations, Turkish foreign policy, American foreign policy, German foreign policy, British foreign policy, non-state actors, foreign policy analysis, research methods, European Union institutions and law, Middle Eastern politics, Balkan politics, Eurasian studies, peace and conflict studies.In addition to courses that orient them to the field, students are given the opportunity to conduct extensive research on such contemporary issues as the European Union, political economy, democratization, human rights, and identity politics. 

Department graduates find career opportunities at home and abroad in the private as well as the public sector, particularly in organizations affiliated with the United Nations and the European Union, in the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in universities and the media, and in private companies. As this range of career options indicates, the Department’s educational philosophy is to provide students with intellectual depth and with the necessary tools to think independently, to question and criticize, engage in collaborative work and be open-minded about alternative points of view. 

Prof. Hayati AKTAŞ tel: 310 6600
 Assoc. Prof. Senem ATVUR tel: 310 6600
 Assoc. Prof. Ramazan İZOL tel: 310 6600
Department Secretary  
Yadigar AYTAÇ tel: 310 6600


Department Advisory Board
Ali Rifat KÖKSAL (Emekli Büyükelçi)
Ali Haydar OLCAYTO (Altıntar Tarım A.Ş.)
İsmail Tuna Aras (ATSO Antalya AB Bilgi Merkezi)
Assoc. Prof. Ceren UYSAL OĞUZ
Assoc. Prof. Senem ATVUR
Eklenme tarihi :25.07.2023 16:21:36
Son güncelleme : 20.08.2023 22:16:03